Palm Beach County Police Agencies Do Not Text Seeking Cash, Selling Goods.
BY: STAFF REPORT | BocaNewsNow.com
BOYNTON BEACH, FL (BocaNewsNow.com) (Copyright © 2022 MetroDesk Media, LLC) — The Boynton Beach Police Department is warning the public about a text message campaign being sent to residents in South Palm Beach County.
According to police, and an image provided by the Boynton Beach Police Department, someone is trying to sell Boynton Beach Police shirts. Not only is that illegal under Florida Statute, the Department says the only shirt ever available to the public is a K9 Competition shirt. That shirt is sold in March.
“The is 100 percent a scam,” said the police department in a written statement. “If you get this text message, ignore it.”
Police-related scams are prevalent in South Florida, with most police departments warning the public several times a year to ignore texts seeking money for goods, or claiming that a relative is being held and bond most be posted by clicking on a specific link.
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