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We all have a bad habit that we or others find annoying. These habits are tough to break due to their contradicting character. Which negative habits do you have? Most of us have poor habits such as eating unhealthy meals, smoking, chewing tobacco, not exercising, and nail-biting. The good news is that you can alter any unpleasant habit once you make up your mind to do so.

Consider these ideas to get rid of your bad habits

Don’t get overwhelmed. Recognize that your aim now is to reduce bad conduct. You’ll feel better and more in control as you progressively lessen the habit. You may be able to break the habit completely as well. Achieve daily mini-goals to assist you make tiny changes. Assume you eat more bread and carbs than whatever is considered as healthy. For instance let’s assume that your breakfast consists of two bowls of cereal and lunch is two sandwiches. You want to cut your daily carbohydrates from these meals.

The problem is that you’re stuck eating the same thing every day like a broken gramophone that is constantly stuck in a loop. Make a daily modification to lower carb consumption. You’ll be inspired to break a negative habit no matter what. In this case, reducing bread at lunch boosts determination to consume less carbohydrates. For lunch, instead of two sandwiches, add additional meat, cheese, and veggies. You’ll still have a good meal but cut your bread consumption in half. After six to two months of changing your negative habits and successfully breaking the cycle that was affecting you negatively, you may now set another mini-goal to replace your second bowl of cereal with a bowl of fruit. Thus, with renewed sense of energy, you’ll set another mini-goal to eliminate carbohydrates.

How to quit smoking slowly and steadily?

  • Control your vices using time intervals. Let’s say you have a habit of smoking. The first thing to know is your daily cigarette consumption. Maybe you smoke 20 cigarettes on a daily basis. If you sleep 16 hours a day, you smoke about 1 cigarette every hour.
  • Smoke one cigarette each hour. On the first day, cut four smokes from your consumption. That’s growth! You’ll have smoked 28 fewer cigarettes at the end of the week. That’s a tremendous incentive to quit smoking!
  • After 10 days to 2 weeks of smoking one every hour, reduce the interval to 1-1/4 or 1-1/2 hours. Eventually, you’ll be smoking one cigarette every four hours, or four cigarettes each day.
  • At this stage, choose between cutting down on cigarettes or quitting altogether. Your day-by-day approach is working.
  • Reward yourself and also keep track of your progress daily. Keep adding notes about whatever you will do. A bonus tip to quit smoking is to eat ice-cream each time you crave for a cigarette. You can also look at anti-smoking documentaries and reprogram your mind by feeding it all the information related to the negative effects of smoking. Smokers are not really addicted to nicotine although there is no doubt that it is an highly addictive substance. The real fact of the matter is that smokers are actually addicted to the unconscious response of their mind towards cigarettes. They constantly try to match the first burst of endorphins that happened when they lit their first cigarette and unfortunately never experience that ever again. They get caught in this blind and pointless chase. The sooner you get rid of this habit the better it is for you, the people around you and also the environment.


For individuals trying to quit smoking, chewing tobacco, or nail-biting, you may also mark down how many times you did it that day. Check your calendar at the end of the month to see whether you succeeded in minimizing your bad habits 75% of the time. If so, give yourself an incentive to help you stop your vices in the future. You could add like a day of fishing or a hobby that helps you divert your mind from the habit you are trying to get rid of.

Even if breaking a bad habit is difficult, you can most certainly do it one day at a time.

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